“I will preserve, protect, and defend our United States and Texas Constitutions.”

– Justice Jane Bland

“I will work hard to justify the faith Governor Abbott has placed in me. I also will strive to preserve, protect, and defend our United States and Texas Constitutions.”

– Justice Jane Bland

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Justice Bland is an experienced and proven legal expert whose respect for our Constitution and laws is unmatched.

About Justice Jane Bland

Justice Jane Bland has served on the Supreme Court of Texas since 2019. Texas voters elected her in 2020 with over six million votes—the most a candidate for any elected office has received in Texas history. Justice Bland has over 25 years of experience on the bench—as a trial judge, an appellate justice, and now as a Texas Supreme Court Justice.

Justice Bland is board-certified in Civil Trial Law and Civil Appellate Law. Justice Bland chairs the Judicial Commission on Mental Health.  She is the Court’s liaison to the Texas Supreme Court Historical Society and the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.  She serves on the advisory committee for the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure for the Federal Judicial Conference. She is a member of the American Law Institute.

Justice Bland graduated at the top of her class in law and in accounting and honors business at the University of Texas at Austin. Following law school, Justice Bland clerked for the Honorable Thomas Gibbs Gee on the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.

Throughout her career, Justice Bland has been recognized for her work to improve our state.  In 2010, Chief Justice John Roberts presented her with the William H. Rehnquist Award, given to a state court judge who exemplifies the highest level of judicial excellence, integrity, fairness, and professional ethics. The Texas Association of Civil Trial and Appellate Specialists has recognized her as the judge of the year four times.

Justice Bland and her husband Doug have two grown children. In addition to her judicial service, she has been involved in her church and community in her hometown of Houston.

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